Supporting Local Charities and Christian Education

Donate by bringing items to the store during opening hours, or by bagged clothing, shoes or accessories and placing them in any Onwards donation bins. These clearly marked orange bins are located at the locations listed below:

Larger items can be brought to our drop-off center located at the rear of our building:

Address: Onwards Thrift Store Donation Center
165 Tillson Ave.
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0E6
(519) 409-5500

Bert Budding Esso Gas Station
      773419 Oxford 59, Norwich, ON

Otterville Parking Lot
      9 Dover Street, Otterville, ON
      (Parking lot north of Canada Post)

The Village Market
      2 Church St W, Burgessville, ON

      74 Main St W, Norwich, ON

Mount Elgin Variety Store
      333198 Plank Line, Mount Elgin, ON
